Importance of Lie Detector Test in Avoiding Gaslighting카테고리 없음 2022. 11. 16. 19:11
What is a Gaslighter?
You or others around you may be the target of this person’s attempts at manipulation. People are most easily manipulated by being accused of doing what they are actually doing themselves.
You can have a gaslighter in your family, at work, or even among your acquaintances. Their strategy involves making you feel bad about yourself and making you doubt the severity of the issue by using insults and psychological manipulation. The emotional abuse that gaslighters inflict on spouses and partners is not limited to either sex.
How to recognise gaslighters?
Diversionary behaviour
A gaslighter will engage in diverting behaviour in order to have you defend yourself against accusations of wrongdoing you know they are making but are not guilty of. They may accuse you of infidelity because they are doing the same thing. Usually this occurs just before a secret rendezvous with an intimate partner. Defending yourself against complete nonsense takes focus away from the gaslighter’s tactics.
You didn’t spend last Tuesday with a lover because, for one, you don’t have one and, for another, you were waiting at home for the gaslighter who was running late for the meal you prepared. You can’t forget how frustrated you were that evening due of the spoiled supper. You try to explain it to them, but it doesn’t help. Conflicting charges persist. There are even lie detector test now available which you can use to help you in identifying the lies.
What’s worse is that the gaslighter will go around telling your pals that he’s sure you’re cheating on him. They are informed that they have been partying for four nights this week. The fact that you were at the hospital to see your brother is a missing link in the case. You can be sure that the gaslighter will flat-out deny that you told them this when you bring it up again. The usefulness of a lie detector test in this scenario is intuitive.
You are an alcoholic
Once a month, on the Friday night after you clock out from work, you and your pals hit the town. You go out, have a few drinks, and then stumble home. If you’re like me, you probably only drink alcohol during funerals, weddings, and holiday parties.
The gaslighter claims that your drinking is excessive and labels you an alcoholic. You’ve been passing out frequently, so your pals have been requested to monitor your alcohol intake. And yet, allegations fly quick and furious despite the obvious falsity of them all. It causes you to doubt your own sanity. You don’t recall ever passing out, but it’s possible that you wouldn’t recall if you’d been drinking much. Finally, the gaslighter has succeeded. The goal is to the point where you begin to question your own sanity.
In the meantime, your accuser does drink excessively and frequently blacks out. Because it’s humiliating, you have avoided telling anyone about this. It’s too late to bring it up now that they know you have an alcohol problem.
How a lie detector test can help
When someone engages in gaslighting, they are engaging in a vile behaviour that inevitably leads to friction and harm. There are a variety of contexts in which a lie detector could prove useful. Many of our customers come to us after suspecting that another person is not being entirely truthful with them, and want to see if their suspicions are justified. It’s fine to share test findings with loved ones. The effects of gaslighting on one’s self-esteem and sense of sanity are devastating.